Elevation Gain: 3,291m
Distance: 45.15km
Total Time: 13 hours 31 minutes
Date: September 30th, 2024
Red Mountain is a rather small summit tucked away in the southern central area of Manning Park. It can be accessed via an off trail ridge line from the Skyline II trail. However, it doesn’t boast much interest as it’s a tame looking summit without drastically different views from any of its neighbours. I had skipped out on hiking it many years ago when hiking up Lone Goat Mountain and Snow Camp Mountain. Now, after finishing up an ascent of Hozomeen with Steven, Erica, Trevor and Alex an opportunity presented itself to hike up it anyways. Given that it’s only a small detour from Hozomeen and perhaps 300m of elevation gain, we figured why not.
Our detour started just past Mowich Camp where we broke off the trail and up some steep sleeps. We reached the long connecting ridge from Lone Goat Mountain to Red Mountain and traversed along more sloped meadows to the final summit ridge. This section was a bit of tedious side hilling, but otherwise nothing worth mention. On the final summit ridge, we now just had to slog it up for the second peak of the day.

As expected, the views weren’t a major add on to the day but they were nice nonetheless. After a short break we headed down the ridge and made a straighter line for the last objective of the day: Lone Goat Mountain.