Elevation Gain: 1,117m
Distance: 15.31km
Total Time: 6 hours 36 minutes
Date: May 13th, 2023
Stats include all three summits
Church Mountain is the final summit and the only officially named one on Andrea and I’s ridge line traverse. We had just come off of Old Baldy Mountain and now were descending to the col via tamer slopes on the north east aspect. Once at the col we walked ~1.2km through tame forest to reach the true summit. The views were a bit obscured by the forest but we did get a nice look south east towards the border peaks and Mount Mcguire.

We paused for a nice snack break and then go on our way. Thanks to the snow back tracking was easy and we gained the ridge in relatively short time. Now we just reversed our tracks all the way to the service road. Another auto-pilot road walk got us to the truck and that concluded a fun and easy day out!