Spion Kop

Elevation Gain: 357m
Distance: 6km
Total Time: 1 hour 42 minute
Date: March 28th, 2022

Kelowna had one more nice day in the forecast, before I was slated to head back to Vancouver. So, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do another summit with views around the Okanagan. My mom was keen to join in again and I had a look through the maps to see what our options were. I came across a summit called Spion Kop, halfway between Kelowna and Vernon. This summit had become quite popular on instagram in the previous years, but it still seemed worthwhile to get some mid-week views.

My mom and I set off from the trail head around 2PM and followed a set of mountain bike trails towards our summit. As we climbed we hit numerous unsigned and signed junctions and it was honestly quite confusing to figure out the route. Thankfully, I brought some maps on my phone and I just resorted to navigating by that rather than going in circles.

The trail head starts at the top of this neighborhood
Starting down the trail
Quite a few junctions like this to navigate
Nearing the summit
Nice views towards Kelowna
Panorama of Okanagan Lake

Besides the junction issue, there’s really not much to add as it’s a basic easy hike to the top. We reached the summit in a leisurely hour and then headed back down reaching the car after another 40 minutes or so.

On the descent
Some nice views on the return as well

If you’re looking for a super easy day out, the views are nice, but come with a GPS or something as the trails are confusing.

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